Thirst of all, I'm not one of those that support Ring Species, so, I am the thirst one to refuse those kind of circular arguments as you can see in my post Ring Species another Illusionist Trick.
My point is very simple, I defend that speciation is an acquired skill. I'm just saying that speciation isn't possessed by all organism, I'm saying that there is a very sharply defined frontier line between organism with and without speciation, I'm saying that that frontier is between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes!
My following argument is strongly based in the brilliant article of Rui Monteiro entitled An Open Letter about Natural and Sexual Selection.
In the article mentioned before, that I strongly recommend, we see the following very important concepts:
- Potential Speciation;
- Polymorphisms;
- Species' Kernel.

Delimitation of the Species' Kernel
This Species' Kernel is a landmark in the perception of the evolution of life. However, for more ingenious that you can think about that landmark, the terms Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes already have the answer.
Prokaryotes - Without a nucleus;The previous definitions relate to the Hardware of the organism, but what a classic evolutionist can't do, it's to turn this Hardware concept in a Software one. If they did, it would be evident that speciation is all about nucleus, the never glimpsed, Species' Kernel.
Eukaryotes - With a nucleus (kernel).
Kernel, nucleus or core, are names for a very important concept, the concept that something can be very strict, and at the same time, very versatile. For example, your computer system is very common among other computers. However, the way each computer system or operating system is configured, reveals a great adaptation to circumstances in a very independent way from the system itself. This concept does not apply only to computers, or are exclusive to human activities, and aren't necessary an human innovation.
Planet earth has a core, sun has a core, dismissing any intention or even life, it's something intrinsic to nature. Brains, from the more simple to the more complex have a core, the so called Hypothalamus, making something natural even to life. Even physics reveal that the materialistic world of atom have a center, designated by Atomic nucleus, amazingly discovery only in the 19th century. So, we should not be surprised that the concept of nucleus, as the base of speciation, remains a very obscure subject.
With nucleus, or kernel, we have another important concept, called layer. Nowadays everything that is produced has layers, and the respective process itself is layered. You are seeing this page thanks to protocol layering, with the OSI model as its best metaphor. In fact, protocol layering its the core of the Internet revolution that we see today. No wonder that life caught its potential thousand of millions of years ago, giving birth to Eukaryotes and its layered Polymorphisms!
What have a classic evolutionist to say about this? In fact nothing! For him, there are only Natural Selection, and he is blind to the point of thinking in an animal as a bacteria. For him, the sharp difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes doesn't ring a bell.
For a classic evolutionist, evolution is a continuous event. The classic evolutionist are living a nineteen century philosophy, unknowing that nature aren't continuous, that nature are discrete and countable. So, a classic evolutionist says things like:
"The tyranny of the discontinuous mind" - Richard Dawkinssomething that I must correct:
"The tyranny of the discontinuous nature"Unfortunately, classic evolutionists are supporting their own chains. Unfortunately they are now dependent on the allopatric speciation, they can't explain sexual selection, and can't give a good explanation to the Cambrian Explosion!
"Allopatric speciation is just another miss intuition, where a species needs to be isolated from other to evolve. There is something that separates all the species in an irrefutable and allopatric way, time. Despite some species have millions of years of existence; they would be able to interbreed with others along any moment of that same time. So, for instance, crocodiles exist for 200 million years, and yet, the crocodile of 200 million years would be able to interbreed with the actual one. This means that the process of speciation does not depend on isolation, it is much more robust and abstract than any intuition could predict." - in An Open Letter about Natural and Sexual SelectionWell, even this isolation can be refutable by a classic evolutionist. For instance, Michio Kaku believes in time travel, and in invisible man. If you believe in that blindly, maybe crocodiles are interbreeding along time, and time aren't a allopatric isolation!
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