Saturday, October 13, 2018

Trump, Bolsonaro and the Triumph of the Will!

"The sexual impulse is an instinct, and like most instincts, it represents the will of the species, which creates the delusion in individuals that they are seeking their own good when in fact they are seeking the good of the species (the continued existences of individuals of its kind)" - Historical Dictionary of Schopenhauer's Philosophy By David E. Cartwright

The Left is living its Emperor's New Clothes moment. In the past years there has been a phenomenon of classifying illness as diversity, doing so, the left give it up its progressive rule, the view of illnesses as the greatest burden gave place to its acceptance as something people could live with. The Left is behaving like a mother romantically saying that the handicap of their son was the best thing that happened to her to the point of celebration.

Another major illusion is the one of the Bon sauvage, this one results in the absurd believe that people born without prejudices. There is a blindness to ignore that Sexuality is the root of all prejudices and is Sexuality and not Society the origin of Prejudice.

This Prejudice exists as a tool for Waste Management, for Species Waste Management is cornerstone for their fitness and the main purpose of Sexuality.
Mutations are likely to decrease an organism’s fitness, and an avalanche like this every generation could be deadly to our species. The fact that we haven’t gone extinct suggests that over the long term, we have some way of taking out our genetic garbage. in Alexey Kondrashov – What if Sex Is Just a Garbage Dump for Genetic Mutations?
Any process produces waste and species are no exception, the sad part is that when it comes to Genetic Waste its disposal means the disposal of Human Beings! The rage that supports the far right has one single origin, Sexuality promoting a species free from garbage where the encouragement of its acceptance only increases the feeling of its repulsion. There is no Social solution but a Technical one for Genetic Waste.

The idea that peoples' genetic illness are just bad luck is another sad Romanticism, they are a necessity and the product of Meiosis, the result from the solution nature found to keep Species clean from it! By splitting those above and those below the average of acceptable amount of genetic waste, where those above become Sexually accepted and those below become Sexually wasted, this becomes a Methodology, a system, not mere bad luck. So humans must born loaded with prejudice in order to Sexually exclude Waste from the genetic pool, in order to serve the Will of the Species, in order to keep Species clean. Acceptance isn't the solution simple because isn't allowed by Sexuality!

Societies gave the illusion that we are living the "Future", where soundbites like "Artificial Intelligence" reinforce that illusion. In reality we are living the Second Middle Ages, and to recognize that we need Historical Conscience about Illnesses. In the past there was the "Valley of the Lepers", everyone knew they were victims and no one wished same destiny. During the First Middle Ages the Black Plague happen and everyone was terrified by it as they should. All these diseases are part of the past, and many others have been eradicated, like Smallpox. But if Contagions diseases made it obvious their presence, inherited ones are other story. The sexual prejudice is so strong that when it comes to Inherited Illness they become romanticized. This romanticism is well expressed in the extreme acceptance of Diversity.

"Haemophilia figured prominently in the history of European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries. Britain's Queen Victoria, through two of her five daughters, Princess Alice and Princess Beatrice, passed the mutation to various royal houses across the continent, including the royal families of Spain, Germany and Russia. Victoria's son Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany also suffered from the disease. For this reason, haemophilia was once popularly called "the royal disease". Tests on the remains of the Romanov imperial family show that the specific form of haemophilia passed down by Queen Victoria was probably the relatively rare Haemophilia B." - Haemophilia in European royalty, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other kings were also affected by genetic illness like Charles II of Spain!

His first wife, Marie Louise of Orleans (Charles II’s second niece), came from an arranged marriage. The French ambassador wrote to the Spanish court in 1679 that Marie wanted absolutely nothing to do with the ugly king.

In our extremely romanticized world, even leftists call sick people ugly people, like the case of the now branded Incles. This happens because everyone is unable to realize the Will of the Species, everyone refuses to accept Sexuality as its ultimate Eugenic instrument.

The Will of the Species is the blueprint of the Human psychology, and its purpose is to keep our species clean from Deleterious Mutations disguised under the fog of romanticism, Sexual Romanticism.

Leftist forces abandon its progressive rule and adopted a conservative one, the left basically adopt acceptance, and there is nothing progressive about it. It's the Human Nature to improve live conditions and solve problems wherever they exist.

In this Second Middle Ages we're living in Illness is the rule and not the exception despite all Romanticism, 

"Just one in 20 people worldwide (4·3%) had no health problems in 2013, with a third of the world's population (2·3 billion individuals) experiencing more than five ailments, according to a major new analysis." - Over 95% of the world’s population has health problems, with over a third having more than five ailments, The Lancet.

While contagious illnesses are fight with drugs, inherited ones are fight with prejudice, and this prejudice is the only instrument there is because civilizations haven't found other solution yet. When the left classifies Homosexuality as Sexual Diversity it fails to see the illness, it fails to understand that is Sexuality the source of Prejudice intended to be frighted.

The left is trying an impossible compromise, the Romanticism of Sexuality with Acceptance of "Diversity".

The left needs to see that individuals are Puppets of the Will, and throughout Sexual prejudice they serve the Species to avoid genetic contagion. Trump and Bolsonaro are only surfing the Sexual wave!

Bolsonaro quotes that resonate on Species' Will:
  • I’m not going to rape you, because you’re very ugly 
  • I’d rather have my son die in a car accident than have him show up dating some guy

As I explain before, Sexism, Racism and others are just different manifestations of the Same Will, and all those are the result of Sexuality. So, promoting Sexuality is in time promoting Prejudice.

To make it clear that Sexuality is the source of Prejudice just think in terms of Selections. Comparing with our middle ages analogy, we have:
  • 1st Middle Ages | Contagious Diseases | Natural Selection
  • 2nd Middle Ages | Inherit Diseases | Sexual Selection
Humans have been extremely successful in escaping from the Natural Selection grip, but when it comes the the Sexual one, humans are under it like any other animal.

The left needs to see Science and technology as means of solution and not only attitudes. So in order to free people from Sexual Selection this scientific solutions need to become the new utopia:
  1. Artificial reproduction to guarantee the minimum genetic quality to all citizens;
  2. Sexual instinct manipulation to equalize libidos between Men and Women;
  3. Eradication of Natural Selected traits that are prone to Sexual Prejudice like black skin or Aquiline noses.

Only when people free themselves from the tyranny of the Will of the Species will become able to make choices in their own consciousness. Until then, Sexual prejudice remains the main adviser.

As there aren't issues in recognizing Economic Inequality there shouldn't be in recognizing Genetic Inequality.

Adopting Romanticism as the main Politic Philosophy is laying the foundations for the the Extreme Right. Then this happens:
  1. Anti-vaccination Movements;
  2. Rage against the weak and ill;
  3. Growth of religion;
  4. Rise in popularity of complementary and alternative medicine.

An this become the Triumph of the Will... The Species' Will!